Psychiatrists practiced in Germany where open notes have not yet been established as part of the healthcare data infrastructure. Open notes were perceived to increase transparency and patient involvement but were also believed to raise issues of stigmatization and conflicts.
Peer Reviewed
Real-time electronic patient portal use among emergency department patients
These findings suggest that real-time patient portal use during ED encounters has increased over time, but disparities exist in portal access that mirror trends in portal usage more generally. Given emergency medicine’s role in caring for medically underserved patients, there are opportunities for EDs to enroll and train patients in using patient portals to promote engagement during and after their visits.
A patient-centered documentation skills curriculum for preclerkship medical students in an open notes era
We developed this session for first-year medical students within their foundational clinical skills course to place bias-free language at the forefront of how they learn to construct a medical note. While the longitudinal impact remains to be seen, it is clear patient-centered documentation skills should be an integral part of documentation education.
Family perception of OpenNotes in the neonatal intensive care unit
At the end of the NICU discharge education, completed in the patient portal before discharge, families were offered an anonymous survey on OpenNotes. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first study on NICU families’ perceptions of OpenNotes, which indicated positive interactions with the doctors’ daily progress notes and gave important suggestions for improvement.
Pediatric open notes: Caregiver experiences since the 21st century Cures Act
While research on the impact of Open Notes in pediatric inpatient settings remains limited, recent findings have improved our understanding by adding actual caregiver experiences to the expectations identified in our initial study. As we move into this new era of transparency, we call for further investigation of the impact of note sharing on health care outcomes for children while continuing to develop strategies to mitigate challenges.
Adolescent access to clinicians’ notes: Adolescent, parent, and clinician perspectives
This study aims to identify adolescent, parent, and clinician perspectives on the anticipated benefits and concerns of giving adolescents access to clinicians’ notes and strategies to support note-sharing in this population. These strategies may reinforce the potential benefits and mitigate the challenges of sharing notes with adolescent patients.
Do patients who read visit notes on the patient portal have a higher rate of “loop closure” on diagnostic tests and referrals in primary care? A retrospective cohort study
Compared to no portal registration, the odds of loop closure were 20% higher in tests/referrals for patients with a portal account, and 40% higher in tests/referrals for note readers, after controlling for sociodemographic and clinical factors. However, important safety gaps from unclosed loops remain, requiring additional engagement strategies.
Users’ experiences with online access to electronic health records in mental and somatic health care: Cross-sectional study
[…] This study aimed to provide insight into the impact of PAEHR [patient-accessible electronic health records] on patient care, particularly for those with mental health conditions, and to inform clinical strategies to improve the use of PAEHR in health care settings. The transition toward EHR accessibility may present health care professionals with a unique opportunity to change how they think and write about patients.
Co-designing an initiative to increase shared access to older adults’ patient portals: Stakeholder engagement
We partnered with 3 health care organizations to co-design an initiative that aimed to increase shared access registration and use and that can be implemented using existing patient portals. Educational materials are publicly available at Coalition for Care Partners.
Effect of notes’ access and complexity on OpenNotes’ utility
Simplifying notes can improve understanding of notes for patients/families. However, perceived usability, cognitive workload, and satisfaction with even the simplified notes were still low. To make notes more useful for patients and their families, there is a need for dramatic improvements to the overall usability and content of the notes.