While open notes have been the “law of the land” in the United States for more than a year, in England, adult patients accessing care through the National Health Service (NHS) will for the first time have access to their primary care record online starting Nov. 1, 2022. In this webinar, we will discuss what this development means for patients and GP staff in England.
Recording: Disconnections & Dead Ends: Fixing Proxy Access for Older Adults in Patient Portals
In this webinar you’ll learn about a new initiative by OpenNotes and the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health aiming to fix repair the gaps in health information technology for older adults. You will get a status update on a multi-site demonstration project serving a high proportion of older adults in Portland, OR, Rochester, NY, and Salt Lake City, UT. And, you will learn from a patient and physician/family care partner as they describe their lived experiences navigating proxy access.
Open Notes in the Safety Net:
Open Notes in the Safety Net In this webinar and companion office hours session, two organizations serving some of the nation’s most diverse patient populations will bring to life lessons learned from implementing open notes in their organizations. Webinar Slides Download slides from the the presentation (PDF) Jump right to the section you want to…
Case Study: Open Inpatient Notes at UC San Diego Health Webinar Recording
In this webinar Brian Clay, MD—a hospitalist and Chief Medical Information Officer (CMIO)—shares about the open notes experience at UC San Diego Health (UCSD), where he helped lead the rollout of ambulatory open notes in May 2018 and inpatient open notes in fall 2020.
Open Oncology Notes:
Research & Real-World Experience
In this webinar, Bertram Yuh, MD (City of Hope National Cancer Center) and Everett Weiss, MD (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center) share their experiences practicing in an open notes environment. Rosie Bartel, a patient advocate and educator, shares about her experience as a patient who reads open notes, and how access to her husband’s oncology notes guided her family through difficult healthcare decisions.
Open Notes in Pediatrics & With Adolescents: Research & Real-World Experience: Webinar Recording
In this webinar, Fabienne Bourgeois, MD (Boston Children’s Hospital), and Cynthia L. Kuelbs, MD (Rady Children’s Hospital), two of the nation’s top experts on open notes in pediatric settings, talk about the opportunities and challenges that come with sharing pediatric and adolescent notes.
Sharing Mental Health Notes with Patients: Webinar Recording
In this webinar two of the nation’s top experts on “open mental health notes” will cover what clinicians need to know about sharing therapy notes with patients, and the nuances associated with an upcoming federal mandate that requires visit notes be shared with patients.
Open Notes 101 for Clinicians: Webinar Recording
Think of this as a crash course in open notes! In this webinar two of the nation’s top experts will cover what clinicians need to know about sharing notes with patients.
OpenNotes Grand Rounds Webinar: Sharing Palliative Care Notes
In this webinar, Christian Sinclair, MD, FAAHPM shares his lived experience as a palliative care physician sharing notes, observations about documenting sensitive topics, and electronic health record tricks and tips for sharing notes with patients.
Grand Rounds Webinar: OpenNotes Lessons from Canada and Sweden
The concept of open notes is not unique to the United States. In fact, when it comes to transparency between clinicians and patients, Canada and Sweden are among the leading…